Saturday, April 11, 2015


The only thing better than having a break through training your own dog, is a break through in helping someone else train theirs. So much AWESOME.

Flyin high!

So proud of my students today. And their dogs. AND my Fluff, who runs the "course" after with the young girl who comes with her Mom to train her Basenji to play agility.

Also with myself. For figuring out how to motivate that particular dog. For not giving up and deciding "that's not part of the course" or "not my problem" and for going outside the box to try something else ... not unlike training certain bad little black dogs! Love helping the people. So rewarding!

I love the look of Basenjis. I really like the dog. But they're definitely a challenge. So after class the daughter gets to run Baxter over the last, most challenging sequence and put him through equipment, like weaves and full height teeters etc.

The Basenji isn't going to be an easy dog to play agility with. It's hard when you have a brand new person to agility and a brand new dog, let alone a hard breed. It was her (the daughter's) idea to train their dog in agility, and I really don't want that quashed by the challenge that her dog poses. So Baxter will keep coming to class as long as they do!

Hopefully some day she'll be able to run him as a Jr Handler. It's so cute! I'm super proud of him for running with her. Back in the day we had an agility class where we swapped dogs. I ran a Sheltie but Baxter decided that he wouldn't run for the Sheltie's Mom. I'm very happy with him for running for a stranger now!

I think he'd be an awesome dog for a Jr. Handler. He runs the speed of his handler and pretty much takes the obstacle in front of him. Best part, I get to watch my pretty dog run =)

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